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Rosemary essential oil: history, features and benefits

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a fine-leaved perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, together with other aromatic plants such as oregano, basil and thyme.

This intense pleasant odoured bush originated in the Mediterranean basin and, under optimal conditions, can reach up to 49.2 feet (1.5 meters) and can live over 20 years.

There are different views on the origin of the name of this popular aromatic shrub. One of the most accepted theories about the origin of this time is that it comes from the Latin “ros maris”, which could be translated into “sea dew”. The main explanation for this possible etymological origin resides in the ease with which wild rosemary grows in the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.

Due to the preference of this bush for warm, sunny and moderately dry climates, it is logical that a large part of the cultivation of this plant takes place in the Iberian Peninsula.

The essential oil of these plants will be extracted using traditional methods such as steam distillation to later be used in the manufacturing of countless products.

But what makes rosemary essential oil such an attractive product?


Uses of rosemary throughout History

Rosemary is a plant that has been linked to the history of mankind since the dawn of humanity, and not only in the culinary field. We need to go back over 5000 years to find the first references to rosemary made in cuneiform writing on Stone tablets.

Later on, as a part of the funerary rites of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, bouquets of this plant would be placed in their tombs to perfume their journey to the afterlife.

The Greeks used to attribute many aphrodisiac and medicinal properties to rosemary. Among the latter was an alleged increase in memory that the students seized by wearing crowns made of the stems of this bush. Curiously enough, some current scientific research seems to indicate that inhaling the aroma of rosemary can indeed have beneficial effects on memory.

Dioscorides, a renowned Greek physician and botanist who has been considered by many to be the father of pharmacology, attributed calorific features to this plant when applied to patients.

In the Middle Ages it was also popular among pilgrims, who used it for its soothing properties after long walks.


Properties and applications of rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil enjoys nowadays great popularity. Among its many features are their antioxidant and preservative properties, which make it a highly valued product in the food sector.

Other characteristics that make it essential for home care are its disinfectant, bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which make it an excellent component of bathroom disinfectants, floor cleaners, glass cleaners and other cleaning products.

On the other hand, rosemary alcohol is commonly used topically for therapeutic purposes in massages and cosmetic products, being a product appreciated in spas for its properties as a muscle relaxant and for improving blood circulation.

At DMG we work with 100% natural rosemary essential oils to create compositions intended for many applications.

If you are interested in including rosemary essential oil in your project do not hesitate to contact us through any of the means available in the following link.