DESTILERÍAS MUÑOZ GÁLVEZ, S.A. has recently renewed its Food Safety certification in accordance with the UNE EN ISO 22000:2018 standard with the Bureau Veritas entity. This renewal underscores our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards in food safety and quality.
This certificate, which replaces the UNE EN ISO 22000:2005- Food Safety Management System standard, guarantees compliance with the requirements for the manufacture of products intended for human and animal food industry. It ensures that our processes are rigorously monitored and continually improved to meet the evolving needs of the food industry.
The UNE EN ISO 22000:2018-Food Safety Management System standard, along with the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System standard, forms an Integrated Management System at DESTILERÍAS MUÑOZ GÁLVEZ, S.A. This integration facilitates a holistic approach to quality and safety, ensuring that all aspects of our operations are aligned with our comitment to excellence.
Through the establishment and maintenance of international standards of quality and food safety, we promote a culture of constant improvement. With this we pursue the satisfaction of our customers in addition to providing safe products that comply with legal and regulatory requirements. By adhering to these standards, we build trust with our customers, who can be confident in the safety and quality of our products.