Destilerías Muñoz Gálvez has been awarded the Prize for Sustainable Development of the Region of Murcia in the Eco-innovation category

On 9th March 2018, Mr. Pedro Muñoz, Director of the Destilerías Muñoz Gálvez, together with the Director of the GENAC Project, Dr. Pedro Trinidad, received the Sustainable Development Award of the Region of Murcia,…

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Destilerías Muñoz Gálvez S.A. is developing a research project “New snack concept with differencial nutritional and organoleptic properties”

  • Post category:ProjectR&D&i

The development of formulations of new flavours compatible with demanding application conditions is intended.This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020, with…

Continue ReadingDestilerías Muñoz Gálvez S.A. is developing a research project “New snack concept with differencial nutritional and organoleptic properties”